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a m u i a

Q U I C K   F A C T S


~100 years



Azielan (all mainland countries)



Runes - Can use blood rune magic.

Agile - Has high dexterity.



nomadic, traditional,


P H Y S I C A L   D E S C R I P T I O N

Amuia are tall, rabbit humanoids. Their average height is between 5 to 6 ft (152 to 183 cm). The top half of them resembles humans, though they can have rabbit ears. Their skin can be natural tones or take on a gray hue. The bottom half of an Amuia is furred with rabbit legs and a tail. The fur is natural colors though can have unnaturally colored markings or accents.

Amiua can grow flowering plants on their heads. Their blood color matches the color of the flowers on their head and can be any color in the rainbow. While performing magic spells, their blood glows with power. This has led some Amuia to get special tattoos with a technique that leaves the skin thin enough to see the blood underneath.

Though physically weak, Amuia are incredibly fast and agile on their feet. However, their heightened senses leave them weak to loud noises, lights, and smells. Their clothing may reflect styles seen in tribal Mongolian or traditional Pacific Islander garb.

A B I L I T I E S / W E A P O N S


Early in their life, Amuia decide to dedicate their life to learning either weaponry or blood runes.

《 Physical Abilities 》                   

Amuia are quite agile. They can run very quickly and also jump higher than other humanoid races. Despite this, their bodies are rather frail and they need to be careful when in melee fights.


《 Weapons 》                 

If an Amuia learns weaponry, they tend to choose light or medium-weight weapons. They will train for years in the weapon of their choice, becoming masters of it in the process.

《 Blood Runes》                    

Amuia all have the potential to use their blood to create magic spells. Rune magic is performed with blood from the spell caster and applied on oneself or others. Runes written on oneself can be used offensively, defensively, or supportive. Runes written on others can only be used for support such as healing spells.


More powerful spells require more blood to cast, limiting how many can be used at once. Please specify up to three low-to mid tier spells and one or two high tier spells when creating a character. Characters can also know a handful of cantrips (small spells not useful for combat)!


Since runes need to be written on skin to cast, many Amuia tend to opt for revealing clothing or layers that can easily be removed if they need to be.


Amuia are nomadic in nature without a country of their own. They tend to live in small groups (often families). They do not like, or are even fearful, of dragons. Dragons emit a musk that all Amuia find distasteful. They do not bond with dragons.

They worship a pantheon of gods. The main two gods are Chaos and Order, each with deities underneath them. Each secondary deity is named after an attribute of one of the primary gods. Examples are Peace, Sanity, Judgement (Order) and Mischief, Pain, Laughter (Chaos) though there are many more under each umbrella.


When an Amiua comes to age, a ceremony is held which determines which primary and secondary deity they will serve. The choice is left up to the gods and the one they bless may feel negatively or positively about the choice.



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