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For a summary of all that has happened in roleplay so far, click here.



(may change slightly before Act 2 ends depending on rp events)

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After the defeat of the jötnar, Nysa was once again at peace. It was a restless peace - Fyr had much to rebuild and recover and the other two countries were still suspicious - but it was peace nonetheless. The dragons and their riders were hailed as heroes far and wide for preventing a catastrophe that would have swept the land. Everyone seemed to forget their mistakes and near misses in the glamour of victory.


The Keepers found themselves with comparatively little to do, helping with the occasional diplomatic errand or dealing with the rare monster or two. To put it simply: there were too many heroes and not enough heroic things to do.


Many of them fell into mundane daily activities such as training, working, or studying. Others began to spend more and more time away from Drachen Isle, doing who knows what.

Tuon Eversen, a young dragon rider, had been given a taste of adventure and now, he wanted more. He daydreamed about their time in the desert and about what the world beyond it could possibly be like. Then, it became an obsession. He consulted with the elven explorers and what they knew, though it wasn't much. They knew that there were civilizations across the sea, but it was far too dangerous to go on foot or by boat to these unknown lands.


He knew that, with the help of their dragons and previous nuanan acquaintances, the Keepers could mount an expedition. To those who would listen, he spoke of his plan of grand adventure. Some of them listened and volunteered to go with him while others scoffed at the idea or were content to remain in Nysa.


A year after peace graced Nysa, he and his dragon, along with those who wished to accompany him, left for the continent they would soon find to be called Azielan.



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The nuana who knew their language helped guide and translate for the dragon riders. They were brought to Runa, the neighboring country, and before their government officials. Though surprised by these strangers and their weirdly shaped dragons, they welcomed them with open arms. Runa was their home, if they wished it and as long as they didn't cause too much trouble. They could be thought of as ambassadors for their homeland.


Tuon readily agreed to this, it seemed like a good offer. In his naivety, he didn't realize it unofficially meant he'd have to help Runa out when they needed it. Still, though, the dragon riders that decided to stay in the country received a stipend to live off of in return for minor services such as appearing at large events or helping residents when they asked.


Despite a horrific tragedy that happened to him in his first few months living there, Tuon has stayed in Runa for fourteen years. He and the other riders set up a guild just outside of Seidai City where they could more officially help others. He's become sort of the informal leader of the Dragon Guild, as they chose to call it.

Along the way, they learned the common language of Azielan and the customs there. Some have met new friends. Still, there was so much more left to learn and explore though.


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The guild is becoming overwhelmed with the amount of things they need to do. Most members only work there part-time and have another job or hobby that keeps them busy. Not to mention the various other tasks that take up time within the guild such as holding trainings or events as well as going on quests.


In an effort to reach out to the citizens of Azielan, the guild has put out an advertisement looking for new members. They don't even need to be dragon riders, just residents of Azielan though having appropriate skills for joining a guild is a bonus.


All interested should apply soon!



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