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s c a l e s h i f t e r s

Q U I C K   F A C T S


~500 years



Azielan (Qishui)



Fire Breath - Harness fire in both forms.

Changeling - Can change between two forms.

Bond - Can bond with humanoids.



fantastical, impressive, peculiar


scaleshifter female.png
scaleshifter male.png

P H Y S I C A L   D E S C R I P T I O N

Scaleshifters, in humanoid form, stand around the same height as humans ranging from 5 to 6.5ft (152 to 198 cm). Their humanoid form most closely resembles Azielan humans. However, they have been cut off from other civilizations for so long that their knowledge of what humans looked like became warped.


As such, their humanoid forms still have traces of their dragon form. Horns, tails, scales, claws, teeth, wings- any of these can show up in their humanoid form. The more skilled a scaleshifter, the more human they look though some purposefully keep dragon characteristics due to pride in their own race.

In dragon form, their size varies by sex. Full grown females often reach 35 to 40 feet in length. Males typically only reach between 20 to 25 feet in length.


It is a mystery as to why scaleshifters are the only race to experience such sexual dimorphism. Perhaps it happened overtime on Qishui or females were already larger before they were trapped on the island. No records exist to give any indication. The scaleshifters themselves seem to accept the fact that this has always been the case and do not treat it as strange.


Their dragon forms are very similar to regular yokuryu or tenryu. In fact, it would be difficult to distinguish them from a regular dragon if you didn't know that they could change forms.


When submitting a scaleshifter character, be sure to give at least a headshot reference of their dragon form. A full body reference would be wonderful but isn't required. To make a scaleshifter, be sure to purchase a Shiny Scale from the bazaar first.

A B I L I T I E S / W E A P O N S

《 Changeling 》                 
Scaleshifters, as their name suggests, have the ability to change (shapeshift) forms. This change is very quick, typically occurring in under a minute. However, rapidly changing between humanoid and dragon form takes a toll on their bodies. A scaleshifter who has changed too many times in one day will experience  intense motion sickness and well as feel worn out.


As such, they cannot handle changing forms more than 3 - 4 times in one day.


In dragon form, only other dragons, nuana, and bonded humanoids can understand their speech.

《 Physical Abilities 》                   

Scaleshifters have all of the physical abilities of a dragon when in that form. In their humanoid form, they have the physical strength of a human though they may still possess sharp teeth or claws to aide in fighting. They also retain the ability to breathe fire in both forms however the range is much smaller when in humanoid form (a projection of 2-3 feet.)


Scaleshifters can also make use of dragon-specific items for sale in the bazaar.

《 Bond 》                    

Like other dragons, scaleshifters can choose to form a bond with someone. This can be with another scaleshifter or a humanoid. Scaleshifters are very picky about who they might choose, wanting to get to know someone very well before making their choice. They might take many years getting to know someone before deciding. Typically a bond is with a lifelong partner, whether that is a strong friendship camaraderie, familial ties, or a romantic relationship. 


For more on bonding: Click Here.


Scaleshifters and their views on the world may seem peculiar or even offensive to some. For instance, each clan is matriarchal, with female scaleshifters taking on the roles of protectors and hunters while male scaleshifters are typically caretakers. They are expected to look after the household and take care of any children while the women keep the clan safe. The chief is usually the strongest dragon in the clan.


The practical reason for this is the size difference in their dragon forms


To them, their societal customs are normal and everyone else's seem strange. They have lived for centuries separated from the outside world and don't really know any other way of living. This can cause scaleshifters to react strangely in social situations, particularly with the opposite sex.


However, scaleshifters are curious about outside cultures and customs even if they can be deeply opinionated as well. They enjoy learning about new things.


Like other dragons, scaleshifters value loyalty. They care deeply for their family but also for close friends. They can be fiercely protective of those they care about.

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