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a z i e l a n   d r a g o n s

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Closely related to the tenryu, yokuryu dragons are distinctively different in the fact that they have wings. They are also a type of lung dragon (eastern dragon) and are the same shape and size. They also share many of the same features described above.

Instead of magic, yokuryu rely solely on their wings to fly. These wings can be membraned or feathered.


They're often thought of as the most majestic or spiritual of the dragons which has led some of them to live lives of luxury at Serpent's Temple in Runa.


Yokuryu are found most often in Yonyia, Runa and Xin Deguo.


Tenryu are a species of lung dragons (eastern dragons) that live in Azielan. They're different from Nysan dragons in the fact that they have long, serpent or noodle-like bodies and do not have wings. Despite this lack of wings, they're able to harness the power of the winds to fly. It's a special type of magic and they're the only species of dragons known to be able to do this.

Tenryu do have limbs and claws though which means they can easily move on the ground as well. can move easily on the ground. They also typically have two long whiskers and antlers or horns on their heads. Some may also have fur or feathers in addition to scales- as well as different markings or other cosmetic features.


They range between 20 - 40ft (6 - 12m) in length. Curling their bodies up can make them look smaller or allow them to fit into more cramped spaces.

Tenryu are found most often in Runa and Xin Deguo.

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Drygynflyes, or just flyes as they're commonly nicknamed, are the smallest dragon species known in existence. They range from the size of a cat to the size of a butterfly.

Flyes have a body shape similar to Nysan western dragons, except on a much smaller scale. Another big difference is their wings. Flyes all have insect-like wings. They may also have antennae or other insect traits.

They're the most mischievous of the dragons and also the friendliest. They like to explore their world and make friends but are usually reluctant to bond. Instead, a lot of them are content to act as companions particularly to the fae who in turn will often dote on them.


Drygynflyes are found most often in Etrias and sometimes Yonyia. Occasionally found on in Runa near the Etrias border.



Bonding occurs when a dragon of any species chooses a human or a yonmi as their partner for life. Bonded dragons are adolescents typically between the ages of twenty and two hundred when they search for a partner. The process is unmistakable but people may experience it differently. To some, it is a strong emotion or sudden mental connection, while others see a visible flash of light or another sign signifying their new attachment.


Once bonded, the rider will be able to hear the voice of their dragon and other dragons in their mind. Dragon speech in roleplay should be represented by italics. Riders can communicate mentally with dragons when they become skilled at controlling their thoughts (your decision on when) or verbally like with other humanoids but cannot hear the voices of dragons that are more than a mile or two away.


A humanoid will stop physically aging as soon as they bond with a dragon- whether they are ten or one hundred. They will then share their dragon’s lifespan for however long it is. Because bonding essentially binds the souls of the pair, if one dies the pain may be so great for the other that they die as well. Only in very, very rare circumstances has a dragon or rider survived a severed bond, and in each case they have suffered great mental damage.


If you are planning to kill off only one of your pair, please pm a mod about your plan first for permission. Do remember that the request may be denied.


A dragon lives for so long that no one knows what their lifespan is, if they have one. The only known way a dragon can die is if it is killed, not through natural causes. Otherwise, a dragon will continuously grow throughout its entire life, albeit very slowly.


They are highly intelligent and can communicate telepathically with other dragons, their bonded rider, and other riders. They cannot communicate with unbonded humanoids or other animals, with the exception of nuana.


All dragons are able to breathe fire. This ability can be upgraded or changed to a different element with a bazaar purchase.


Dragons are either male or female.


A member of one subspecies can form a relationship with a member of a different subspecies but cannot produce offspring. This is one reason why dragons are much rarer than other creatures in the world.


Bonded dragons usually wear a saddle for their rider when traveling. A dragon’s scales are otherwise very uncomfortable to sit on. They do not use bridles though as it would be an insult to the dragon's intelligence and free will.


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