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h u m a n s

Q U I C K   F A C T S


99 years



Azielan (Xin Deguo, Runa, occasional travelers to Yonyia or Etrias); Nysa (Fyr, Corith)



Weapon Mastery - can learn any weapon.

Bond - Can bond with dragons.



strength, charisma, endurance


*REMINDER* - Only make humans from an Azielan country!

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P H Y S I C A L   D E S C R I P T I O N


Humans have blunt ears and natural skin tones ranging from light to dark. They're on the taller side but can vary in height, usually 5 to 6.5ft (152 to 198 cm).

They tend to enjoy fashion and accessories. Often their clothing will reflect their current occupation and is eastern fantasy inspired.

Read more about humans here.


Humans in Azielan can have the same natural abilities as we have in our world.


《 Weapon Mastery 》                    
Humans can learn to wield any weapon of any size or skill (within reason) with enough time and practice.

U P G R A D E D   A B I L I T I E S

Humans can use upgraded weapons via purchases in the bazaar.



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《 General Information- Fyr 》                    

Humans can learn to wield any weapon of any size or skill (within reason) with enough time and practice.


The climate in Fyr (fee-ahr) ranges from humid continental in the south to subarctic in the north. Winters are usually cold and long while summers are mild and short. Villages are usually small and intimate, scattered across the country but usually situated by rivers. Fish, pine wood, coal, and animal furs are major exports and areas of employment. Farming is difficult so little is grown. Some people may raise deer or caribou while others will hunt or trap. Many people are also enlisted in Fyr’s large army. While there are many different occupations, most people are poor with only a few wealthy families in the region.
Fyran culture and hierarchy is based on late Medieval German and Norse history. There’s a general feudal system, with King Asher as the king over the entire country. King Asher only became the king two years ago but before that, he was a gifted military general under the previous king. The old king was greedy and cared little for his people, turning a blind eye to all of the crime and poverty within the country. Asher led a coup that ended in the old king’s death and him being crowned in his place. The people of Fyr love him because he has helped make the country a safer place and lessened poverty. With a strong will to protect his homeland, he has strengthened the military as well. Because King Asher is inexperienced, he uses advisers to help him make decisions.
Fyr is settled entirely by humans. Any halflings or elves that enter the country are likely to be severely discriminated against. Young Fyrans are taught that elves are evil creatures who curse others with their magic. Elves were supposedly the ones that cursed them to live in the cold north while they hold the fertile lands in the south. Fyrans, especially those in power, covet the land of Iledri but cannot do anything against the strong magic of the elves.


《 Major Towns and Cities ã€‹                    

Castlecross - The capital city, built like a fortress, where the main castle is located. King Asher resides here, as does the military. Bordered by the Impassable Mountains on one side, twin rivers on two more sides, and with a great wall surrounding the city it’s a natural and manmade fortress- perfect for defending. 

Deerstrand - The westernmost town in Fyr and also the second most populous place. The town experiences slightly warmer temperatures than much of the rest of the country so there are many surrounding farmlands where most of Fyr’s crops are grown. There is also a large fishing trade off the coast in the Tanken Ocean. Besides agriculture and fishing, the town is one of Fyr’s only cultural hubs and also houses a small military presence. 

Port Murdir- Fyr’s major trading post, though there is also a large fishing scene. Supplies and people leaving and entering the country from the port are highly regulated. Some ships will offer passage through the Fyran Archipelago but few people live on the barren islands.

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《 General Information- Corith ã€‹                    

Corith (kor-ith) is a very typical medieval fantasy country. It is a neutral land between Fyr and Iledri, which helps to keep the peace between the two. In the north, it is bordered by the Finis Mountain Range and in the southeast it is separated from Iledri by the Edrein River. The country has a humid continental climate which means warm summers and colder winters- but not as cold as Fyr. The land is quite good for agriculture and many people make a living through farming or raising animals, particularly in the grasslands. 

Corith is not led by one leader but many. The heads of all of the main houses of nobility in Corith meet together in Tirion City at the Table of Lords to decide and vote on important topics. It isn’t democratic as they aren’t voted in but it also isn’t a monarchy. Because only the rich nobility are making the rules, often those in poverty go unnoticed. However, most laws benefit the majority- particularly laws banning discrimination based on race. Humans, elves, and halflings are all welcomed in Corith and live quite peacefully amongst each other.

Corith has a fairly small military with only a few soldiers on border patrol in Greydale and Bridgeport. It does boast a decent-sized navy in Tirion Harbour but it hasn’t seen major use in quite a few decades. Overall, the military only oversees who is entering and leaving the country and lately they have been quite lax. Even as the neutral country that the others have sworn not to attack or takeover, its defenses have been better.


《 Major Towns and Cities ã€‹                    


Tirion City - The capital city, this is the cultural and governmental hub of Corith. People of al statuses and races live here as it a large and grand city. There is much to do in the city and goods and people from across the world can be found here. Many of the wealthy live here and it is also home to Corith’s navy. Many ships enter and exit the city through the South Tirion Harbour, carrying a wealth of supplies and knowledge. 


Greydale - Prominent border town built near one of the passable routes through the Finis Mountains. One of the main duties within the town is keeping track of who or what is crossing the border between Corith and Fyr. It is also in charge of the surrounding smaller villages in the area. Many people will travel here for trade rather than going all the way down to the capital. 


Bridgeport - Bridgeport is another large border town that was built around the great bridge connecting Corith to Iledri. Like Greydale, it acts as a waypoint for travelers and supplies across the border, as well as a central hub for the surrounding villages. Corithians in the area practice agriculture of some sort.

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