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x i n  d e g u o


Xin Deguo









Humans, vampires, some amuia



Mediterranean (south), temperate (north)



Kendeji, Chaji, Pijiu, Iron Gate Prison, Lake of the Dead


M A P  


X I N   D E G U O   F L A G

xin deguo flag.png
xin deguo.jpg


Xin Deguo is a large country located on the far east side of Azielan. It runs as a stratocracy, a form of government with a heavy emphasis on military. Citizens, both male and female, are required to serve at least five years in the military by the time they turn eighteen. You must have served military time in order to vote and leaders of the country must be current members of the military. Usually, due to popularity, generals are most likely to become Chancellor of the country.

There are a few dragon riders in the country. They make up an elite team within the army, a special weapon so to speak. The bond between dragon and rider and their idealogy is similar to that of the Keepers of Nysa, the only difference being that Xin Deguo's dragon riders are loyal only to their country.

Despite their heavy military presence, Xin Deguo is a relatively peaceful country and only uses its army to regulate and keep its borders safe. Currently, they are having some issues with pirates along the coast.

It is also the most vampire-friendly country in all of Azielan. While vampires are still uncommon, people view them as an asset and a great addition to the military strength of the country. Although, it is difficult to become a resident of the country if you were not born there which is why citizens are made up of humans and vampires.

I M P O R T A N T   L O C A T I O N S

《 Kendeji 》                    

Kendeji is the capitol of Xin Deguo. Government officials live here, including the Chancellor. It's a fairly large city with fortifications around it and it's well guarded. Many post-duty civilians live here as well as an active military force. It's a bustling city and well-loved by its inhabitants. The architecture is geometric and stone-based, with many tall buildings and unique designs. To make up for the dreary gray stone, some people chose to paint it cheerful colours or add plant life to their homes.


《 Chaji 》                     

Chaji is the second largest city in Xin Deguo and home of Chaji Military Academy where all citizens must go for training. The grounds of the academy take up most of the city, with the rest of it set aside for personal residency of permanent employees. At the academy, students learn drills and practice with a variety of weapons and situations to prepare them for any hostile encounter they might find on active duty.


《 Pijiu 》                          

Town near the Etrias border. Popular trading town between the fae and Xin Deguo, they get a fair number of visitors from around the continent each year. Has the best relationship with the fae out of any non-fae settlement.


《 Iron Gate Prison 》                  

The prison is located on an island off the coast of the main country, offering maximum security and little hope of escape for the prisoners. Criminals and deserters are placed here and Xin Deguo is known to be strict in protecting the law.


Those who are able-bodied and  refuse to go into military service are sent here to serve their five years as prison guards. This is a punishment and not something freely volunteered for. Not serving in the military removes a person's right to vote and partake in the country's government. Overall, it's not something you would desire.


《 The Lake of the Dead 》                

A large lake in central Xin Deguo. It got its name because of its ceremonial purpose in funerals. Those who live nearby and whose families can afford it, are offered a military funeral when they die. This involves placing a pyre in the lake and setting it afloat, with the hopes that the wind and smoke will carry the ashes of the dead into the afterlife. Those who cannot afford to travel to the lake will burn their dead elsewhere.

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