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v a m p i r e s

vampire 2021.png

Q U I C K   F A C T S


N/A (already deceased)



Azielan (Xin Deguo, Runa)



Nightmare - Double strength at night

Bloodsucker - Feeds on blood for sustenance.



Sunlight - Easily burned.

Undead - Cannot wield magical weapons.



P H Y S I C A L   D E S C R I P T I O N

Vampirism is an extremely rare disease that can affect humans when an infected's blood is ingested. The blood of an infected effectively kills the person and revives them as an undead vampire. They retain their memories but gain an almost unquenchable thirst for blood. The only known cases of vampirism are in Azielan.

Vampires, when extremely hungry, tend to lose all sense of themselves and will do anything to get blood. They usually have to stay far from blood relatives as vampires are more drawn to them as their blood reminds them of their own. Blood restores their bodies to normal and calms them down.

Full vampires will have blood red eyes that will fade slowly to pale grey as they get hungrier. Human blood is most effective but they can live off of animal blood if needed. They can consume regular food and drink but they don't like the taste and it gives them no nutrients.

As they're dead, vampires have no beating heart and therefor do not breathe. This means they can go underwater or in places with no oxygen and not die. The only way to kill a vampire is to decapitate one.


Vampires appear paler or greyer than they did in life. They always have elongated canine teeth but can extend them up to a couple inches long for combat. They also have retractable claws and their ears sometimes taper to a small point. During the day, vampires retain normal human strength but sunburn a lot easier and have to wear covering clothes. During the night, their strength doubles.

As they're already dead, vampires cannot have children. They're also heavily discriminated against in most countries except Xin Deguo for their murderous tendencies. For this reason, they tend to disguise themselves as humans whenever possible. Bonded riders cannot become vampires.

A B I L I T I E S / W E A K N E S S E S

《 Nightmare 》                    

During the day, vampires retain the same physical strength they had as a human. However, during the night their strength doubles. This (as well as their aversion to sunlight) has led to many vampires becoming semi- or entirely nocturnal in nature.


《 Blood Sucker 》                    

Vampires need blood to survive. Humanoid blood is the most fulfilling but animal blood can be used as a substitute. They can only go 2-3 days without eating. Starving vampires will lose all sense of their humanity until they feed.

If they drink a magic-user's blood, they temporarily gain a fraction of their power. For instance, feeding on a fire magic user would allow a vampire to summon a tiny flame or drinking a healer's blood may heal surface wounds. The more blood taken, the more of the ability they can use. This ability wears off after one use or once the blood is digested.


《 Sunlight 》                    

A vampire's skin becomes unable to protect them from the sun in the same way it could when they were alive. For this reason, they have a strong aversion to sunlight. The sun burns their skin much easier so any vampires walking about during the daytime opt for clothes that cover their skin.

While the sun won't make a vampire spontaneously combust, its best for them to keep away from open flames. They have a tendency to be highly flammable.


《 Undead 》                    

Due to their undead status, vampires cannot wield magical weapons. Something about their deadness interferes with a weapon's magical abilities and causes it to act like a regular weapon.


In countries other than Xin Deguo, vampires usually try to disguise themselves as humans during the day. It's fairly successful, as long no one looks too closely at their eyes.

In all countries, feeding on someone without their consent is considered a felony. This doesn't always stop blood-hungry vampires from attacking people in the night though. There is a strong distrust of vampires, even if someone knew the person when they were alive.

There is much distrust of vampires particularly in Runa where it is believed that a person becomes a vampire because of an unforgivable sin they committed when they were alive. This is despite the fact that Xin Deguo has proven that it's actually simply a rare but awful disease.

Because of the prejudice against them and their sensitive skin, many vampires stick to hanging about unsavory places at night. Some have embraced their monster person and actively break the law by hunting. Others spend time in night clubs or guilds that accept them for who they are. A few try to lead the same life they lived as a human, though it becomes increasingly difficult to do so.



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