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r u n a





Seidai City






Humans, fae, yonmi, nuana, vampires, amuia



Mediterranean (coast), tropical, temperate



Seidai City, Dragon Guild, Serpent's Temple, the Serpent's Talons, Kizu, Lake Azuria


M A P   L O C A T I O N


R U N A   F L A G

runa flag.png


Runa has the largest population of all countries in Azielan. The lush landscape has made it popular with both humanoid and dragon residents living there. While the city has the densest population, many people also live across the country in small towns or farms.

Dragons are an important part of Runan culture, which is one reason that the Dragon Guild was so easily accepted there. The country flag depicts a dragon wrapped around an olive branch, a sign of power and peace. Succaoism is a Runan religion that believes dragons are divine creatures who can tell the future and protect citizens from disaster if they listen. Drygynflyes, however, are not considered 'true' dragons in Runa because of their size.


Runa runs as a republic, where citizens vote for representatives and a prime minister who then perform government duties for them. This works well for the lifestyle of most Runans who tend to prefer to let others handle political things while they focus on themselves and their families.

Runa's climate makes it a lush paradise compared to its neighbour Nairu. The rain shadow is beneficial in Runa, creating a fertile country with plenty of rainfall. This bit of natural luck has made the country very prosperous, with even its poor being able to live quite easily off the land.


I M P O R T A N T   L O C A T I O N S

《 Seidai City 》                    

The largest city in Azielan, Seidai is a place for new beginnings and adventures. The sprawling city is home to any type of shop you can imagine, as well as schools and guilds. Tall buildings house apartments and condominiums in order to fit its residents. It is a fairly advanced city, with its own aqueducts and even hot water. In the center of it all is the capitol building where government business is conducted.


Dragons are popular motif, with many statues and temples dedicated to them. With the Keepers of Nysa now living in the city, the excitement surrounding dragons has grown even more


Seidai also acts as a bustling trading port, with people from around the continent coming and going. One day, that may extend to the entire world but the sea passage from Nysa to Azielan has proven too dangerous so for now, the only means of transportation are by dragon.


It is a city of hopes and wishes. People go to the city to in search of a better life or to achieve their dream job. Others go in search of adventure or fame.


《 Dragon Guild 》                    

The Dragon Guild is where our story begins. It is run by a group of Keepers from Nysa who have decided to call this new region home. They act as both ambassadors and protectors to the people of Runa and the surrounding area. The government of Runa encourages them to stay and gives them a stipend every month.


It's slightly separated from Seidai, connected to the mainland by a long bridge. The island itself only has a few buildings and plenty of open space compared to the rest of the city. Only senior members of the guild live on the island, while the rest live out in the city area.

The guild accepts quests from both the government and from citizens of Azielan, as long as its within their qualifications to do. They also host some classes, trainings, and events. Currently, they're looking for Azielans to fill their ranks and help out with the pile up of quests they've been receiving.


《 The Serpent's Talons 》                  

The Serpent's Talons, or just the "Talons" as they're usually called, are a mountain range that acts as a natural boundary between Runa and Nairu. The Temple is built into this mountain range in the south and it is hard to tell whether the Talons or the Temple was named first since both have been part of the landscape for so long. The Ra'ab Tribe calls the more northern part of the range home.


《 Serpent's Temple 》                    

Serpent's Temple is a large temple and monastery that has been built into the southern part of the Talons. It is home to the largest sect of followers of Succaoism, those that believe in the divine rule of the dragons. Those bonded to dragons that live in the temple are considered priests and priestesses. They are the ones that speak to the people on behalf of the dragons.


Followers of Succaoism believe a dragon's words hold great power and they can tell your fortune or give you a prophecy. The religion is very popular in Runa due to the great reverence that people have for the dragons and their power. Getting your fortune read is also quite trendy among Runans.


Most who live in the adjacent monastery are simple monks or pilgrims visiting, very few are actually bonded to a dragon. Many who visit hope that a dragon will give them a favourable fortune or even choose them as a partner. Those that are bonded to a dragon are banned from leaving the temple by decree of the divine law, with the exception of appearing for important religious holidays or diplomatic meetings. Despite this, priests and priestess live a luxurious lifestyle, which is why it is seen as an attractive occupation.

《 Kizu 》                                

Kizu is a large agricultural town/city. The area is fertile and excellent for crops and farming, though there is a prominent logging sector as well. Over time, as more people sought out a living in the area, Kizu sprang up as the dominant town in that area of Runa.


《 Lake Azuria 》                    

A large, crystal blue lake that Etrias and Runa share. A popular vacation spot.



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