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y o n m i

Q U I C K   F A C T S


~100 years



Azielan (Yonyia, Runa)



Sun & Moon Magic - Born with one of two categories of magic.

Four Ears - Heightened sense of hearing.

Bond - Can bond with dragons.



Sensitive ears - Loud noises are harmful.



nimble, savvy, creative


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P H Y S I C A L   D E S C R I P T I O N

Yonmi are short in stature compared to many other races. Adult yonmi range in height from 4 to 5.5 ft tall (122 to 167 cm). The height of their large ears can often add an extra foot to their height, making them appear taller than they actually are.

They all possess four animal-like ears, shaped similarly to a fox's. The ears can be furred on the inside or textured with a pattern. The ears are also quite big, giving the race a heightened sense of hearing.

The two horns that protrude from their heads can vary in shape and size. A yonmi's tail can be large and fluffy or it can have long fur only on the end of it.

Small face markings show which magical aptitude a yonmi has. White markings indicate an ability for sun magic while black markings show an aptitude for moon magic.

Their hair, fur, and eyes can be any colour and their skin colour can range from pale white to deep brown. They prefer loose clothing that is easy to move in but aren't afraid to show a little skin as well. Some more affluent yonmi are known to decorate their ears, horns, and tail in lavish jewelry.

A B I L I T I E S / W E A P O N S

《 Sun & Moon Magic 》                 
Yonmi are born with the innate ability to perform magic. This magic has two subsets:

Sun Magic

Yonmi with white face markings have the ability to use sun magic. Many sun-blessed yonmi go on to be great healers. Others can harness the white hot power of the sun into weapons.

Moon Magic

Yonmi with black face markings have the ability to use moon magic. Moon magic is shadow/dark-related but not necromancy or summoning of creatures.


Their magical abilities can manifest in many different ways. (If you are unsure about if a magic type is okay, be sure to send us a message!)

《 Physical Abilities 》                   

Because they have four ears, yonmi have a heightened sense of hearing compared to other races. They can hear someone whispering across the room or trying to sneak away. This also means that loud noises can be painful to them though.

They're also good in agility, able to move quickly and gracefully when needed and with the right training. Their smaller frames allow the access to places that a larger person might not be able to fit.


These abilities make yonmi excellent assassins or spies though most choose a more peaceful life. Yonmi are quite crafty and skilled at making and selling things. It's not uncommon to find shops that have been family-owned by yonmi for generations, whether they sell shoes or ships.

《 Weapons 》                    
Yonmi prefer small weapons that don't impede upon their movement. Daggers, throwing stars/knives, brass knuckles, claws, small bows, or similar weapons are all good options.



Yonmi have integrated into many town and cities in Azielan. They assimilate easily and get along well with other races, particularly nuana and humans. They're generally good-natured but tend to care a great deal about money.

One thing they're known for is being excellent merchants. There are many yonmi-run businesses specializing in all sort of goods, including rare or magical items. They're master craftsmen and barters, usually selling quality items for a pretty penny.

《 Beliefs》                    
Yonmi believe in two deities, the Sun goddess and the Moon god. This is where their magic comes from and the markings on their faces are said to be placed there by the gods themselves. They live in harmony together, like how the sun and moon take turns in the sky, and don't fight with those with the opposite deity's gift.

They are also deists, believing that the Sun and Moon watch over them but don't interfere with day-to-day life.


Some believe that yonmi are related to the nuana but any yonmi will adamantly refute that claim. They believe they're the children of the Sun and the Moon, unrelated to any of the other races in the world.

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