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y o n y i a








Direct democracy



Yonmi, some nuana, humans, and amuia



Semi-arid (north), Mediterranean (southern coast)



Lumelo, Bel


M A P   L O C A T I O N


Y O N Y I A   F L A G

yonyia flag.png


Yonyia is the country where yonmi live and also where the race got its name. It shares its northern border with Nairu and residents from both countries tend to get along well. Specifically, the Oryx tribe and Vulpes tribe are friendly with the yonmi. Many trade with each other for supplies and some nuana have given up their more nomadic lives to settle down in Yonyia. A few humans also live in the region but most are traveling merchants or looking to be apprenticed.

The country has a small enough population that it uses a direct democracy. A few officials are elected to carry out certain duties but all laws are voted on by the citizens. The country's inhabitants are mostly peaceful and it isn't a large area so this form of government works out fairly well.

The nation is known for having some of the best craftsmen in the world. Many merchants come from around the continent to buy and trade wares there. You may not always pay a good price, but the quality of what you're buying is guaranteed to be top notch.


The climate ranges from semi-arid to Mediterranean. There is some agriculture but exportation of goods is the main source of money for the country. Besides for trade, some people will visit the country simply for vacation because of the beautiful weather by the sea.


I M P O R T A N T   L O C A T I O N S

《 Lumelo 》                    

Lumelo is the capitol city of Yonyia. It's a bustling trade center and the largest populated area in Yonyia. Its colourful, cobblestone streets are always busy with both people there for business and tourism. There's plenty of entertainment to discover, as well as talented merchants to buy from.

Architecturally, the city looks like it was built piece by piece. Small houses stand next to much larger buildings and vastly different styles of architecture can be found side by side. Lumelo has a lot of character though and it's haphazard-looking structures are cheerful and colorful.


《 Bel 》                        
Bel is the sister city of Lumelo and best known for it's skilled shipwrights and underground market. It's not as big as the capitol but its well-known, nonetheless. The ships built there are considered the best luxury boats, most built with fun and entertainment in mind. Occasionally, ships for naval purposes are also built for other countries since Yonyia has no active military of its own.

It also has a very prominent underground market with wares that can't be found anywhere else. While it's very much illegal, most people know of its existence. Anything hard to get or illegal can be bought here, if you can pay the price.

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