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n u a n a

Q U I C K   F A C T S


~100 years



Azielan (Nairu; Runa; occassionally Yonyia )



Senjatu Kada - Weapon of the soul. A weapon that can change form.

Telepath - Can communicate with dragons and understand animal emotions.












There are four nuana tribes located in Azielan and all of them are nomadic.
However, they all have certain areas they frequent more than others as well as camp grounds that they return to year after year.

At a glance, they are more of a primitive people in comparison to other races, their ways of life being more tribal-based and rural. Whatever sciences they have come to grasp still heavily circulate around spirituality. To many, life is governed by the gods and "The Balance," a broad, yet equatable term for karma, fate or the circle of life.

There are few exceptions to the culture that are more likely to be found outside of Nairu, where their perception of the world has been given a chance to expand.

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R A ' A B   T R I B E

The Ra'ab are a Nuana tribe in the desert country of Nairu. They, like all Nuana tribes, are nomadic; although, they do express some tendency to stick to the more mountainous areas when possible.

They are predatory birds, with sharp talons and excellent eyesight. Flight feathers extend from their arms, allowing for short bursts of flight and gliding. Their muscular structure does not allow for long distances of air time but it does give them strength and agility in hunting and combat.

Ra'ab stand between 6 and  6.5 ft (183 - 198 cm) tall, with females being slightly smaller than males. As a whole, they are a fierce people, born into and molded by the ways of combat. For many warriors in the making, it was once a rite of passage to undergo the rigorous trials of the Labyrinth of Ra'ab.
There are a few exceptions, however. Some can be more about the strength of the soul, or Senjatu, over body, much like Aku.

There is a vast history of bad blood established between the Ra'ab and the Cortalus tribe. Though well versed warriors, by comparison to the Cortalus, they are not nearly as belligerent. Most of their combat skills have been well expressed as a means of defense, nuanan record telling of countless times where they successfully stood their ground against the Cortalus.

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O R Y X   T R I B E

Inhabiting most of the southern savanna of Nairu are the Oryx tribe.
Though true to the nomadic nature of all nuana, their migratory patterns are much more reserved, being farmers by trade.

They are normally comprised of a strong and broad build, standing anywhere between 6 - 7.2 ft (183 - 219 cm)  tall with males towering over females. More often than not, the male Oryx also boast the larger horn size. Both genders can easily exhibit long horns that can stretch to up to half their own height, however.

Despite their intimidating stature, they are likely the most docile of all nuana tribes. Their strength is only showcased in the name of self defense or maintaining territory. They rarely stray from a vegetarian diet formed by the eldest of traditions, living off of their own agriculture and even going as far as stigmatizing carnivorous behavior among their own tribe. Partaking of the flesh is considered an ill omen, with ancient Oryx legends connecting it to signs of famine and even the end times.

Among the many cultures and races of Azielan, the Oryx tribe maintain the most agreeable alliance and relationship with the Yonmi, happily sharing their borders.

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V U L P E S   T R I B E

Truest to the term "nomad," the Vulpes are known to be the most migratory of all nuana. Throughout the seasons, they could be found most anywhere in the desertic land of Nairu.

They are a small people, ranging from 4 - 5 ft (122 - 153 cm)  tall. Commonly, males tend to stand taller than females, but they can easily average around the same size. Their tails can also range in size and fluff capacity (fluff capacity, you read that correctly,) sometimes even appearing larger than their own bodies!
True to their distant fennec cousins, their coats tend to be thinner and sleeker during the warmer months and much fluffier during the colder ones.

Also true to the general public's interpretation of the fox, these fox-like folk are known to be the brains of the nuana. Mind over matter and "clever as a fox," as they say, they are a cunning people, able to stay on relatively neutral and/or good terms with most every tribe and race present in Azielan. Whether or not it is due to their highly nomadic nature, their knowledge of the world expands further than most nuana races, lending itself to their power of mind.

As their mindful nature suggests, they are not the sort to quickly turn to combat, often using the strength of their words and wit rather than weaponry to subdue or escape a situation.

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C O R T A L U S   T R I B E

As tempting as it may be for a desert visitor to take refuge in one of Nairu's many oases, one might run the risk of stumbling upon Cortalus territory! Most, if not all, migrate depending on a number of factors, but often confine themselves to these portions of desert paradise and guard them inimically.


"Standing" anywhere between 5.5 and 6.8 ft ( 167 - 207 cm) tall, not including their overall length (which can easily stretch up to 10+ ft / 305 cm, but no longer than 25 ft / 762 cm) some of the largest Cortalus can prove to be a rather frightful sight to behold! The tallest among them are usually female, males barely reaching over the six foot mark on a good day.


These serpentine nuana are a luxurious breed. They have a taste for riches and can often be easily manipulated by the power of money. Most exhibit some degree of greed, vanity and narcissism, which is easily conveyed in their attire as well as their behavior. To some extent, they even have a racist reputation. Racist and tyrannical, as they are also known to be very aggressive! A great measure of their livelihood is founded upon conquering and taking over wealthy lands. Accounts of them being on good terms with other races, particularly other nuana tribes, are practically nonexistent.


For that reason, the Cortalus express the most hostility towards the Ra'ab tribe as they are the most resilient and counteractive to their fearsome ways. Where most other races may tend to either avoid, comply or bargain with Cortalus demands, the Ra'ab are among the few to not waver.


Little sparks the hottest flames of aggression in most any Cortalus like the sight of a Ra'ab warrior.

A B I L I T I E S   &   W E A P O N S


《 Senjatu Kada 》                    

Literally "Weapons of the Soul", Senjatu Kada are special weapons that only nuana can wield.


Forged by great nuana blacksmiths with a special metal, Senjatu Kada can literally change between two different weapon forms at its master's will.


A Nuana may forge a Senjatu of their own design, however, they can only design one form of it. The Senjatu's alternate form is a very personal and spiritual experience; it is something decreed by fate and out of a nuana's control. Some may never even see the alternate form of their Senjatu!

Nuanan history holds many stories that romanticize the Senjatu. Some depict one form of it being that of a mask and the other being the face behind it. Others depict one form being the sheath versus the weapon. More often than not, many Senjatu hold true to the metaphors; one form being a more defensive type whilst the other is more offensive.

Culturally proper, the term can be shortened to "Senjatu," but never "Kada." "Kada" can be applied to any form of weaponry - even outside of nuana familiarity - whilst "Senjatu" a.k.a "the soul" is reserved for these spiritual weapons only.


《 Telepath ã€‹                    
Closely connected to many of their more feral ancestors, the nuana are able to interpret and even communicate with most animals, dragons included!

Depending on the mental and emotional composition along with the level of sentience to be found in the creature, this can come off as a strictly emotional sort of communication and/or fully verbal. Language barriers do apply in verbal cases!

This sort of communication is usually very honest, hardly subject to lies or falsity as one can hardly ever lie when speaking straight from the heart.



《 Weaknesses 》                    

The nuana of Nairu have been bred and conditioned to the extreme heat of the desert, leaving them more vulnerable to cooler weather conditions. They can cope just as easily as any other humanoid, such as sitting by the fire or bundling up in something warm and cozy, but are far more sensitive to temperature drops. While the Vulpes may fair better than most other tribes, the Cortalus are especially sensitive to the cold, sometimes completely disabled by it!

Magic can also serve as the gun to a knife fight with the nuana. Most are more along the lines of primitive and have no means of magical defense.

Even with more civilized conditioning, they have no affinity to the sort of magic the fae, yonmi or other magic users wield and would have to rely on enchantments to ever use it.

























The Ra'ab and Cortalus, despite their reptilian and avian influences, do not lay eggs! They give live birth, just as the Vulpes and Oryx do.


Physically speaking, the Ra'ab and Cortalus are among the strongest races of Azielan, only second to a vampire in the night.


Though the Labyrinth of Ra'ab is currently claimed by the Cortalus, the Ra'ab still hold rite of passage tradition. In portions of the northern canyon as well as the "Talons," rest many recreations of the traps and trials once held in the labyrinth.


There can be a variety of different relationships and bonds a nuana can have with their Senjatu Kada, including not having one at all! It is a widely acclaimed tradition among many, but it is not uncommon to see some who don't even use a Senjatu or use another type of weapon.


The Oryx, due to their large horns, have developed a clothing line to cater to them. Much of their top/torso attire is made to wrap or step into as they cannot fit slip-on tops over their heads without assistance. Some forms of horn decoration are an assisted task for the same reason.


It is rare to encounter, but custom footwear and custom footwear designers do exist in the nuana world! They design shoes, boots, sandals and other types of footwear to cater to the Oryx, Vulpes and Ra'ab. Even some designs have been crafted to dress the "footing" portion of the Cortalus body!


Nuana are a prolific people, celebrating and exhibiting great pride in children and family structures.
Any contrary mindset opposed to the matter is often frowned upon and even considered taboo.



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