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n a i r u

M A P   L O C A T I O N








Tribal Sovereignty



Nuana, Amuia






Tribes, Ra'ab's Labyrinth, The Serpent's Talons



N A I R U    F L A G

nairu flag.png


Nairu is a large country land-wise but has the smallest population of all of the countries. It's main inhabitants are the nuana, a tribal nomadic peoples. There are four tribes within the region: Cortalus, Oryx, Ra'ab, and Vulpes.


The other countries recognize tribal sovereignty in Nairu and allow the nuana there to live in peace. The vast expanse desert doesn't offer much in terms of natural resources which is why the land isn't really disputed.


Each tribe is self governing, with chiefs or elders making most decisions. In the case of extremely concerning events, the leaders of each tribe may meet together to form a solution together. The tribes avoid most contact with each other though so it is rare to see them all gathered together.


I M P O R T A N T   L O C A T I O N S

《 The Tribes 》                    

While the four tribes are nomadic, each has favoured spots within the region that they frequent.

The Oryx prefer the area towards the bottom of Nairu, where the land is a little less dry. This allows them to do some farming. They're on friendly terms with the Yonmi and often trade across the border too.

The Cortalus like to hang around what little water sources there are in the desert. If you spot an oasis, chances are there's at least a few Cortalus tribesmen hanging around it.


The Ra'ab make their roost in the mountains. It gives them full visibility of the surrounding area and offers protection for their young and elderly.


And, though the most nomadic tribe, the Vulpes set up their tents and burrows along the eastern mountain range during the warm seasons. The "Talons" provide them with more ample shade and cover.


《 Ra'ab's Labyrinth 》                    

Ra'ab's Labyrinth is a large canyon and tunnel system located in the northern part of Nairu. Currently, it is guarded by the Cortalus, though both they and the Ra'ab consider it sacred ground. In folklore, the labyrinth was formed during a fight between the gods Ra'ab and Cortalus.


The canyon is where turquoise, a precious mineral nicknamed the "god slayer", is found. The Ra'ab believe that the mineral was formed where the blood of the gods seeped into the ground.


《 The Serpent's Talons 》                  

The Serpent's Talons, or just the "Talons" as they're usually called, are a mountain range that acts as a natural boundary between Runa and Nairu. The Temple is built into this mountain range in the south and it is hard to tell whether the Talons or the Temple was named first since both have been part of the landscape for so long. The Ra'ab Tribe calls the more northern part of the range home.



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