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f a e

Q U I C K   F A C T S


Unknown (rumored to live thousands of years)



Azielan (Etrias, Runa)



Elemental - Magic based on the element of the house a Fae is born into.

Conduit - Magic can be channeled through a weapon.

Faery Wings - Ability to fly.



Truth - Inability to lie.

Iron - touching iron will burn them & the scent of it makes them feel ill.



mischievous, petty, loyal, easily bored


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fae 2.png

P H Y S I C A L   D E S C R I P T I O N

Fae are among the tallest of the humanoid races, typically 5'6" (168 cm) to 7'0" (213 cm) in height. They're usually slender in stature and give off a graceful vibe.

All fae have eyes with dark sclera and light pupils. They also have sharp, needle-like teeth. Their skin and hair are tinted to match their house and magic element. The Spring House is grays and muted pinks and purples. The Summer House is yellow and green tones. The Autumn House is oranges and reds. The Winter House is blue and cool purple tones.


Capable of flight, fae have wings attached to their backs that resemble insect or bird wings. Insect-like wings are more common though wings may still look fantasy rather than mimic insects in real life. They also have long ears that point upward. They also lack nipples and belly buttons.


Fae prefer clothing that shows off their status and wealth. They can be found wearing fancy or elaborate clothing that still allows them to fight if needed. The clothing can be thought of as a blend of western and eastern medieval styles.



A B I L I T I E S   &   W E A P O N S

《 Elemental Magic 》                    

Each faery has the ability to summon an element of nature. Each house has a different element associated with it.  Spring has the element of wind, Summer has earth, Autumn has fire, and Winter has water.

The magic may manifest itself differently in each fae. For instance, a fae with the water element may have ice magic or water-related healing magic.  Earth magic could manifest as an ability to grow plants, cause earthquakes, or something else entirely as long as it relates to the element. Some fae have a relatively weak grasp on their element while others are quite skilled.


《 Conduit 》                    
Magic can be channeled through a weapon. Some fae find it easier to use their element this way. Swords are the favoured weapon among nobles, but other weapons can be used as long as they're not beneath a fae to wield. For instance, a scythe would be considered a farmer's tool and not the weapon of a noble. Weapons are typically made out of steel, with hilts made of precious metals or wrapped in protective material (ex: leather) to protect the wielder from the iron content in the blade.


《 Faery Wings 》                    
Fae have wings that gift them the ability of flight. They can't fly as high nor as long as a dragon though are still quite skilled. Many practice aerial combat. Their wings, along with their already long lifespan, mean that fae don't usually bond with a dragon. They find it more of a liability than anything.


《 Weaknesses 》                    

Iron or anything containing high amounts of iron (ex: steel) harms them more than other races. Wounds caused by iron will take longer to heal and hurt more than a fae. Simply touching iron will burn them so many opt to wear gloves or protection of some sort.

Fae also are unable to tell a lie. They always say what they think is the truth but sometimes they are incorrect in what they believe or saw. Many times they will twist the truth too and make it confusing what they're saying. At the very least, if a fae says they hate you, you'll know its the truth. An inability to tell a lie also means they cannot use sarcasm and are often confused when others use it.



Fae, also known as high fae or faeries, are divided into four houses and two courts. The Saelig Court consists of the Spring and Summer Houses while the Unsaelig Court consists of the Autumn and Winter Houses. There is an intense rivalry between the two Courts and, due to thousands of years of feuding, neither side likes the other. They all have an undying loyalty to their Court and house.


Many younger fae, those under a hundred or so years, tend to get bored and decide to adventure for a few years (or decades) out in other countries. They're often more curious about the outside world and other customs. They still think they're better than others though and eventually return to their home country once they've run out of things to see and do.


Most fae have an affinity for high quality alcohol, particularly faery wine which they find superior to all others. They have a high tolerance for alcohol and other races cannot consume faery wine because it is so potent. The two courts can often be found squabbling over who the faery fruit vineyards belong to.

They also believe themselves to be superior to the other peoples of Azielan. They'll often look down on them or be curious about how "lower forms of life" live. The idea of a life span is fascinating to them since they don't age after adulthood (about twenty years old). Some enjoy playing pranks (both benign and cruel) on others.

《 Children 》                    

Children are celebrated in fae culture as they're very rare. Families are lucky to have one or two kids, though three is possible. This is why, despite their long lifespans, there are relatively few high fae. For this reason, they're highly protective of children until they grow into adults and the whole community will look after them. Once they're adults, fae are more relaxed with what their children do and allow them to explore their world if they wish.

Should fae from two different houses within a court have a child, the child will take after their mother's house and element (they may have a slightly different hair colour or other minor physical tells that show their mixed lineage but their magic will always come from their mother's side). Unsaelig and Saelig Courts never mix.

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