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e t r i a s





None (land divided by the Saelig and Unsaelig Courts)



Two separate diarchies



Fae, some amuia






Saelig Court, Unsaelig Court, vineyards, Lake Azuria


M A P   L O C A T I O N


S A E L I G   F L A G

seelie flag.png

U N S A E L I G   F L A G

unseelie flag.png


Etrias is the name used to refer to the combined faerie kingdoms of the Saelig and Unsaelig Courts. Long ago, before the split between the fae, it was the name of their unified kingdom and the name has stuck even though there are two separate ruling entities now.

The land is richly forested and mountainous. The Saelig Court tends to stick to the western side of the country within the lush forests while the Unsealig Court lives within the mountains or in the more northern coniferous forest. The two kingdoms don't get along and feud over very petty things. Each court is ruled by a diarchy made up of the king or queen of each house.

The fae that live here don't tend to fraternize with other races, except for trade or to play tricks on them for their own amusement. If outside of Etrias, they're most often spotted in the Xin Deguo town of Pijiu or along Lake Azuria. The high fae tend to employ lower fae as servants and helpers, preferring to do little of their own work.

Drygynflyes are most populous in this region and often are found as companions to the fae in the area, even though they are unbonded.


I M P O R T A N T   L O C A T I O N S

《 Saelig Court 》                    

The Saelig Court is made up of the Spring and Summer fae houses. Their castle and elaborate buildings are located within the forest. They like to incorporate flowers and plants within their houses and some have even built dwellings within the treetops. Despite these seemingly humble decorations, Saelig fae are sure to decorate and dress in extravagant ways as well. They're also known for hosting splendid parties. Their natural aesthetic is reminiscent of that of Iledrian elven towns. Many noble families also have holiday homes next to Lake Azuria. They seem more friendly to outsiders than the Unsaelig Court but they'd never welcome another race to live with them.


《 Unsaelig Court 》                    

The Unsaelig Court is made up of the other two high fae houses: Autumn and Winter. Their dwellings are mostly carved into their mountain home which they also call their court. Huge caverns have been carved out to hold the entire city, glittering with natural deposits of quartz and fae lights. An underground river runs through the cavern. While their underground homes are self sufficient, Unsaelig fae will still go to the surface world for trade or to curb boredom. Some even choose to live above ground. Unsaelig fae are typically thought worse of than Saelig fae by other races and are considered more cruel (whether that's true or not).


《 The Vineyards 》                    

The vineyards are a stretch of fertile lands between the Saelig and Unsaelig territories. Faery fruit is grown here, often by lower fae, and it's this fruit that creates a highly intoxicating but extremely delicious faery wine. The wine is revered by fae but has adverse effects on other races. Just one sip of it can cause someone of another race to become heavily drunk and even a cup of it can prove fatal.

To the fae, however, it is like the nectar of the gods. For this reason, the two courts have long fought over this stretch of land, desiring it as their own. They've fought bloody wars over a vineyard because of their petty selfishness and will continue to do so. It is one of the many reasons the two courts have a grudge against each other. Currently, the Saelig Court has more control over the vineyards.


《 Lake Azuria 》                    

A large, crystal blue lake that Etrias and Runa share. Many high fae have summer homes by the lake shore.

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